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John Oliver Secondary
Sommerfeld, C
Sommerfeld, C
Course categories
Britannia Secondary
Britannia Secondary / Lipsky, A
Britannia Secondary / Skills 8-12
Britannia Secondary / Tatomir, K
Charles Tupper Secondary
Charles Tupper Secondary / Foell, L
Charles Tupper Secondary / Hultquist, J
Charles Tupper Secondary / Wong, W C
David Thompson Secondary
David Thompson Secondary / Fulton, N
David Thompson Secondary / Walter, C
David Thompson Secondary / Henderson, G
David Thompson Secondary / Taylor, B
Fleming Elementary
Fleming Elementary / Valdecantos, M
Gladstone Secondary
Gladstone Secondary / Ho, SH
Gladstone Secondary / Montroy, H
Gladstone Secondary / Wong, C
Hamber Secondary
Hamber Secondary / Lee, D
Hamber Secondary / Mullen, R
Hamber Secondary / Roosma, G
John Oliver Secondary
John Oliver Secondary / Edge, R
John Oliver Secondary / Kwon, P
John Oliver Secondary / Lee, P
John Oliver Secondary / Sommerfeld, C
John Oliver Secondary / Spence, J
Killarney Secondary
Killarney Secondary / Ali, S
Killarney Secondary / Dermott, M
Killarney Secondary / Lau, YC
Killarney Secondary / Takizawa, A
King George Secondary
Kitsilano Secondary
Kitsilano Secondary / Findlay, J
Kitsilano Secondary / Brumwell, C
Kitsilano Secondary / Kitsilano PrEP
Kitsilano Secondary / Marshall, G
Kitsilano Secondary / Miller, B
Kitsilano Secondary / Silvestre, J
Kitsilano Secondary / Smith, D.
Kitsilano Secondary / Wakeman, K
Lord Byng Secondary
Lord Byng Secondary / Tarnowsky, S
Magee Secondary School
Magee Secondary School / Jay, N
Point Grey
Point Grey / Dodge, H
Point Grey / O'Connor, S.
Point Grey / Schmitt, S
Prince of Wales Secondary
Prince of Wales Secondary / Mackinnon, P
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary / Jay, C
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary / Arnold, L
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary / Sinclair, H
Templeton Secondary
Templeton Secondary / Janze, C
University Hill Secondary
University Hill Secondary / Desrochers, L
Vancouver Technical Secondary
Vancouver Technical Secondary / Hardman, L
Vancouver Technical Secondary / Lee, P
Vancouver Technical Secondary / Mak, O
VSB Work Experience / Career Preparation
Windermere Secondary
Windermere Secondary / Ogden, N
Windermere Secondary / Kurzak, O
Career Programs
Xpey' Elementary
Xpey' Elementary / McKay, K
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This guy is super cool in flannel.
Science 9
Science 9
Anatomy and Physiology 12
Science 8
Science 8
Joanne Martin
Carl Sommerfeld
Science 10 - Sommerfeld